I applied to be a doctor today... I have no experience or degree; I just thought it might be fun to apply... It was. I also applied to be a Financial Manager for some investment company. They emailed me back and asked for an interview... But, I’m waiting to hear back on the doctor position... So... I can’t be wasting my time with some silly investment job.
I think job hunting is the worst thing in the world. Aside from bounty hunting... Although I would look pretty sexy with a badge and a gun and no rules to keep me down... hm... Perhaps I should go job hunting for a bounty hunting job... where did I leave my mullet... I'll need a good name too if I want them to take me seriously.. This may take a while... At least as a doctor they give you your stage name. I don’t know why doctors get paid so much... This name game is difficult... I wonder how strippers come up with their names... They must be so smart. Oh, well obviously since they're all stripping to pay for medical school. Oh that reminds me, I'm late for my cardiology appointment with Dr. Bow Chicka Bow Wow.