Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wrong Hands Indeed

     Sometimes when I’m writing a paper for class I get side tracked and just start writing about whatever creeps its way into my brain. I was working on my research paper for my theory class and I went from making a very compelling argument about the news media and the power they have over the prominence of certain public issues and how that kind of power in the wrong hands could lead to… I wonder what “wrong hands” look like? Do you think you could spot a pair of wrong hands?

Me: Oh, it’s so nice to meet you sir.

*shakes guy’s hand*

Guy: You as well.

Me: (internal dialogue) Holy crap, this man has wrong hands! These are the hands I’ve been looking for. Just look at them! They have wrong written all over them!

Guy: um…

Me: (realize I’ve been holding his hand for an awkwardly long time) Ah, sorry. Your hands… they are just so… evil.

Guy: Okay... Thanks?

Me: Listen, I have a lot of power that I’ve been trying to get into the wrong hands. Are you interested?

Guy: … * skeptical eyebrow*

Me: I’ll take that as a yes. But I can’t talk now; I’m trying to write a paper. Sssshhhhhhh.

Look down.  Computer is gone…

Look back up.  So is the guy.

Me: Wrong hands indeed.

*grabs phone dials professor's office number*

Voicemail: “Hello, I’m a professor. Leave me a message.”

Me: Hiiiiiiiii, Professor. Listen, my computer fell into the wrong hands so I can’t turn in my paper. I’d re-write it and everything… but that’s just a lot of work, and I refuse to write the same paper twice. So instead I will turn in this picture of a banana I drew and we’ll call it an A+. k thx bai.